At almost 41 years old, Luis Scola is still amazing

This April, the legendary Argentinian that made history in the Olympic Games and had an important presence in the NBA will be 41 years old. In spite of his age, Luis Scola is having an excellent season with Openjobmetis Varese and yesterday’s victory in double overtime against the visitors from Vanoli Cremona confirms it. The big man finished the game with astonishing stats: 30 points scored, 10 rebounds and 36 at the index rate in 36 minutes played.
When he chose to continue to play basketball going to the World Cup with Argentina national team I thought it was his last symbolical participation and that’s it! But then I saw the video where Scola, with an amazing professional etic trained like hell every single day in order to get back in shape. That Argentina, with a bunch of brave kids around Scola, shocked the entire basketball world, entering the Finals. Nobody gave them a chance to reach even the semifinals.
Then, this summer Luis Scola decided to play one more season in Italy, with Openjobmetis Varese, helping the young players of the team with his huge experience. I thought again it was too much, but now I have to admit that his amazing stats totally convinced me. Not only yesterday against Vanoli Cremona but the entire season till now Luis Scola is averaging huge numbers. The Argentinian has almost 21 points and 8 rebounds per game, which makes him a candidate for the most valuable player trophy in the Italian league.
Image credit: NBA
Gratian Cormos is a Romanian life coach, journalist, book writer and mentor currently living in the city of Barcelona, Spain.
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