Barça won el Clasico as I predicted

Since the first moment when the odds were available for El Clasico, I jumped and advised people to jump on FC Barcelona’s odd because I was sure they will drop soon. At the game-time, Barca was the clear favourite of the bookies with 1.64, but hey this is a derby, don’t expect an easy win.
I saw Barca as a winner because Real Madrid is not at their best season. The injuries problem and the aged players are affecting a bit, while the young guys like Garuba, Alocen, Abalde and Deck are doing a great job but they need to improve.
Real Madrid is in a reconstruction process. They are changing generations soon. Felipe Reyes and Jaycee Carroll are probably at their last season with Los Blancos. Rudy Fernandez and Sergio Llull are getting old and the repeated injuries have kept them out of the court many games.
On the other side, we have a ferocious FC Barcelona that wants to seal the 1st spot of the Euroleague’s rankings on the way to win the title. The addition of Pau Gasol gave them the last boost to aim for the Euroleague trophy. This is their season and this win was a MUST that counts in a symbolical way more than anything.
The prediction of Barca’s win was made on my Premium Telegram channel for basketball betting tips since the beginning of the week.
Image: EuroLeague
Gratian Cormos is a life coach, book writer and mentor living in the city of Barcelona, Spain.
He is the author of the book “How to bet on basketball” available here for only 11 euros.
For the passionate professional bettors, he created a Telegram channel where you can subscribe in order to receive ALL the betting tips that he makes. If interested, contact now Gratian Cormos by Whatsapp or Telegram at this number: +34 612414486.