The mandatory cash out: Fortitudo Bologna at Reggio Emilia

I write this article for all the people who trust Fortitudo Bologna to win at Reggio Emilia. The initial odd on Fortitudo was 1.80, then at the game time – 2.20. But Reggio Emilia is not Los Angeles Lakers. A couple of days ago they were demolished by Vanoli Cremona with almost 30 points margin, so Fortitudo had their chance.

Now let’s suppose that you bet 1000 euros on Fortitudo at 1.80 or at 2.10 or 2.20. I don’t discuss your choice, I will explain here how you could manage the cash out instead of just watching the game on the sofa and hoping for the win. Fortitudo fought a lot from the beginning, at the halftime the game was tied at 35 and then they had a brilliant start in the 3rd quarter leading by 15 points. At that moment the odd on them was 1.07, while Reggio Emilia had 7.00 or even more depending on your bookie.

The best choice was to take the cash out on Fortitudo or to bet something on Reggio Emilia at least to cover the loss. From those 1000 invested at 2.20 at that moment, the bookies should offer you at least 1900 euros. The cash out was mandatory, even if you thought Fortitudo will have an easy win. Cashing out your bet means that you minimize the risks if Reggio Emilia will come back. And they had an amazing comeback, killing Fortitudo with a 34-11 run.

The encounter balanced, nobody said that Fortitudo or Reggio Emilia had to win easier. Fortitudo was desperate to win and they did everything, they were 15 point ahead. That moment was the top of the game for them. The perfect moment to cash out on them and to continue to watch the game relaxed with 900 euros in your pocket after a hard day of work.

Gratian Cormos is a life coach, book writer and mentor living in the city of Barcelona, Spain.

He is the author of the book “How to bet on basketball” available here for only 11 euros.

For the passionate professional bettors, he created a Telegram channel where you can subscribe in order to receive ALL the betting tips that he makes. If interested, contact now Gratian Cormos by Whatsapp or Telegram at this number: +34 612414486. 
