What to expect from Real Madrid next season?

What to expect from Real Madrid next season?

Last season I was writing a prophetical article about Real Madrid, explaining why they won’t win the Euroleague in May 2018. But this season I am more than sure they won’t make it. I know that Real Madrid fans are expecting good results every year.

The main reason is that Real Marid is not getting better. After Luka Doncic’s departure, their chances were smaller. And now with the roster getting older and older, they cannot steal the crown. The veteran center Felipe Reyes will be soon 40 years old, Jaycee Carroll – 37, Rudy Fernandez – 35 and with the back operation, he is not the alley-oop master who was a couple of years ago. Gustavo Ayon who was one of the most constant players all these years has left the team. So, it’s obvious that the core of the team will be affected and the chemistry too. The departure of Klemen Prepelic and Santi Yusta means nothing because these 2 players had a very poor contribution.

The new signings of the Spaniards are not bad. Nicolas Laprovittola is a promising player, Jordan Mickey as well will help, but I don’t’ think they will make miracles on the court. Still, Real Madrid has one of the best, largest and experienced rotation in Europe and they can beat any team in Euroleague or Liga ACB, but they won’t be the powerful team that won the title in 2017. If the injuries will start they can easily miss the Final 4 this season. And it will be no surprise since a lot of teams of getting stronger, hunting that spot.

If we talk particularly in the Spanish league, F.C. Barcelona will be the favorite to win the trophy this season because of their impressive acquisition campaign which is bringing as well a fresh breath of hope for the Catalan team.

Gratian Cormos

What to expect from Real Madrid next season?
