Only one Italian scored for Cantu

Only one Italian scored for CantuLast days, well-known coach Bogdan Tanjevic, who is in charge now for technical director of all the Italian National Teams declared that is totally unsatisfied with the big number of foreigners from LegaBasket:

“I would have four foreigners per team and they are a lot. This enormous number of foreigners let the club reduce the investments for the young players. And the truth is that the foreigners did not bring anything good. I watch Serie A games with poor, sad and not even spectacular American players”, he said for Gazzetta dello Sport.

Yesterday his prophetical words were confirmed by the reality. During the game between Virtus Bologna and Red October Cantu, just 5 players scored for the visitors the entire game. Just on the last possession of the clash, the Brazilian-Italian Jonathan Tavernari scored a 3 points shot. It was all the contribution on the scoring list for the Italians of Cantu. And if you look at the minutes played by the Italians, you will understand why: Tavernari played the most 12 minutes, Tassone – 8 minutes and La Torre -2!

But, the irony is that if you look at Virtus Bologna scorers and you except the veteran Pietro Aradori, also here the Italians numbers are disastrous: Pajola – 0 points, Baldi-Rossi – 0, Cappelletti – 2 and the Ghanian-Italian Cournooh -2 points!

It’s an embarrassing situation for the Italian basketball dominated by American legionary who destroys the future of the local young players!

Graţian Cormoş,

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