Cantu – from 4 possessions they score 1


One of the most inconstant teams from Legabasket is Red October CANTU. Two consecutive rounds they can score 96 points at Vanoli Cremona and 101 at home against Reggio Emilia points and after this they go for a low 59 points at Happy Casa Brindisi.

In the yesterday game against Brindisi, Cantu had a bad record: they scored just 5 points (!!!) in the first quarter when the game was already decided. The only good moments of Cantu came in the second quarter when they hit 28 points and that’s it. Because they finished with 59 points and with a disastrous 22 from 60 field goal.

But that is not enough: Cantu added as well 18 turnovers, so in totally from 78 possessions they scored just 22!!! Of course, we count the free-throws separately.

If one day you score over 100, then the next day 59, something goes wrong and it seems that you don’t have some strategy to approach the game of basketball, you just play by inspiration, which is good when you have fun in the park with your friends, but not enough when you compete in the first league of Italy!

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