Fiat Torino lost all their overtime games this season

The title says already everything about this negative record of the Italian team. The only participant in the Eurocup who lost all the games in the group phase, Fiat Torino has as well 6 games lost in the overtime so far this season.
Actually, Torino started the season both in Eurocup and in Legabasket with an overtime loss, against Frankfurt and Venezia.
Only in the last 4 rounds, Torino managed to lose 3 games in overtime in Italian league, which proves that this squad can tie the opponent level almost till the end. Torino can reach the overtime, but then they cannot win.
With only 4 winnings in 27 games played in Italy and in the Eurocup, Fiat Torino is the strongest candidate for the worst team of the season in Europe.
Gratian Cormos,