Our Transilvanian team won the Final shooting contests in Budapest

It was a long summer full of 3×3 competitions all over the world. Brainbasketball team including in their complete formula Sandor Vizi, Imre Halasz, Santha Gabor and Adrienn Veres has won many of the shooting contest in the neighbouring country, Hungary. This weekend it was the final stage, held in Budapest, where in front of hundreds of fans, the best shooting teams, the winners of all the summer competition were fighting for the national title.

In the first competition, Open Budapest, Sandor Vizi made a high performance scoring 53 free-throws in a row. He won not just the free-throw competition but as well the 3 points contest. At the same tournament, Santha Gabor and Adrienn Veres stole the trophy of the 2ball competition.

In the National final, Brainbasketball squad won again the shooting contests. The veteran Sandor Vizi lift the trophy at the 3 points and at the free-throw competition and as well, together with Imre Halasz won the 2 ball title.


Photo: Streetball Challenge Hungary

Gratian Cormos

